Civil Engineering Services
As you may know, Ibiixo Business Services is a company which specializes in offering business services to any company that requires services which can help to make them money. Our company has been built around the idea of outsourcing the most complicated tasks so you do not need to facilitate running them from within the business. It saves you money and stress.
Services we offer

Outsource construction drawings:
Land Development Design Services:
MEP Design:

Why Use Ibiixo?
The main reason is because we know what we are doing. We know that there are some companies out there who may be a little bit dubious about outsourcing civil engineering services. However, we ask that you trust us. We have been doing this job for years now. We have worked on major projects. We know that we have the talent and the staff to help bring your project to fruition.
Due to the unique way in which Ibiixo operates, we can help with the communication. We know that running a civil engineering job is hard, so you will be pleased to know that we are always going to be within reach.
If you want to find out more about what Ibiixo brings to the tablet, get in touch with us today.